Attorneys at Law

Criminal Law

In the criminal code, felonies are the most serious offenses, and can result in fines, imprisonment, or more likely, both

A misdemeanor offense is a “lesser” crime than a felony, but it is still a serious matter that can have lasting repercussions.  Misdemeanor charges can lead to fines, imprisonment, and immigration problems. 

When you are charged with a federal crime, the stakes are usually higher than in a typical criminal case

Our attorneys have handled thousands of criminal cases, and bring an aggressive and broad-based approach to defending federal cases.


Criminal Law

Criminal matters are any matters that involve violations of the law.  They can involve arrests, investigations, and the police.  A criminal conviction can lead to fines or prison sentences, depending on the severity of the crime.  There are two main kinds of criminal cases: felonies and misdemeanors.   

A.     Felonies:

Being charged with a felony is a serious matter that requires the best legal representation.  In the criminal code, felonies are the most serious offenses, and can result in fines, imprisonment, or more likely, both.  In addition to the direct penalties imposed by the law, those convicted of a felony face many hurdles long after their sentences are complete, including difficulty finding work, immigration consequences, and the social stigma that accompanies conviction for a serious crime.  For some types of felony offenses, those convicted must register for the rest of their lives, which only increases the stigma.

If you are charged with a felony offense, it is imperative that you find an experienced attorney to represent you.  In some cases, a good attorney can present a solid defense, helping you to avoid conviction and the consequences that follow.  An attorney will also challenge evidence presented against you, find favorable facts and evidence to present on your behalf, and present your case in the best possible light for a jury.  In other cases, an attorney may be able to negotiate a plea deal that results in a reduction in the charges and penalties.

As former prosecutors, our partners have an in-depth understanding of criminal law, and know how to get the best results possible for our criminal defense clients.  They have handled thousands of cases, and have won many acquittals, favorable plea deals, and reduced charges. 

Beyond our professional expertise, our attorneys understand the stress criminal charges bring to our client, and their families.  We work hard and diligently to protect your rights, explore resolution options, and treat you with respect and dignity.

Being charged with a serious crime is a daunting experience.  With our help, you can resolve your criminal matter as swiftly and favorably as possible.

B.     Misdemeanors:

A misdemeanor offense is a “lesser” crime than a felony, but it is still a serious matter that can have lasting repercussions.  Misdemeanor charges can lead to fines, imprisonment, and immigration problems.  A conviction can remain on your permanent record, which can affect your employment opportunities, and in some cases it can increase the penalties in future cases. 

Our partners, both former prosecutors, understand the seriousness of any charged crime, and will apply their experience and expertise to challenge the prosecutor’s case, evaluate evidence on your behalf, and fight for your rights.  In many cases, we can arrange for a plea deal that will result in lesser charges, which can reduce your fine, prevent imprisonment, or arrange for alternative remedies, such as anger-management programs or community service.

C.     Federal Cases

When you are charged with a federal crime, the stakes are usually higher than in a typical criminal case.  The federal government prosecutes crimes aggressively, and you will need robust legal assistance to avoid the harsh penalties imposed by federal courts in criminal matters.
In federal court, the circumstances around your case are important, not only in preparing your defense, but in mitigating any penalties if you are convicted.  Having experienced attorneys by your side can make the difference between a long prison sentence and a favorable plea deal.

Our attorneys have handled thousands of criminal cases, and bring an aggressive and broad-based approach to defending federal cases.  We will work with you to present evidence in your favor, and can explore the possibility of charge reduction, cooperation in exchange for favorable treatment, and all possible defenses to the case against you.

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